Most of us have heard about a minimalist lifestyle, but not about how it can be implemented into fashion. Nobody is asking you to live with three tops and two bottoms, but minimizing the clothes you buy and wear can go a long way to helping you be more sustainable - and even to take less time choosing what to wear and being more organized!
A Minimalist lifestyle works just like it sounds: living with the necessary things and buying what serves a purpose. “Minimalism is an antidote to that state of overload”[1]. It encourages a self evaluation of your relationship with the objects you own and to make more with less by focusing on garments that add value.
There are a couple reasons why you should start following a minimalist fashion, or at least implementing part of the lifestyle into your daily living. First, you are not giving in to fast fashion. Fast fashion is a term used to describe fleeting trends that move quickly from catwalks to stores[2]. This means they are usually in for one or two seasons and then go back out of fashion. With a minimalist lifestyle you will be reducing those “buying and throwing away” cycles by looking for timeless pieces and extending the use of those garments.
Second, it fights consumerism. Having more is seen as living better, when that is inaccurate. By focusing less on what’s perceived as a need or what other people have, will allow yourself to be in the present moment, as well as being able to invest more in experiences rather than tons of clothes that will probably end up not being worn.
Third, everything will have a purpose. You will not end up wasting thirty minutes going through rows of clothes that you bought years ago for that event or that one time for a certain party. Every one of your garments will have more value and they will be easier to mix and match.
Now, here are some tips to help you start the transition towards a more minimalist lifestyle (or at least, to apply some of its learnings to your current one). Start by focusing on quality and not on quantity. It is better to have a pair of good sweaters that will keep you warm, will last long and will match the rest of your clothes than to have many sweaters that you do not want to wear anyways. Strengthen your wardrobe by having few, but good, pieces.
Also, detox your closet. Find time to check everything you have, Marie Kondo style, and see if they bring you joy. Do not keep things that just take up space in your closet and add you no value.
Next, include basics and some statement pieces in your closet as well. When having a minimal fashion lifestyle, one can get bored when using the same clothes over and over again. This is why it is also important to buy some items that can spice things up, such as an edgy purse or a statement dress.
Finally, if you are starting the process, remember to not throw away the pieces you will be saying goodbye to - it is better to donate them, give them to a relative or a friend, or sell them on platforms like depop, which can help reduce the waste you would otherwise be creating.
Remember: you do not need to switch to a minimalist lifestyle in the blink of an eye. Start by implementing these tips in your daily life and see what they can do for you.
[1] Ofei, M. (2022). What is a Minimalist Lifestyle? (And What It’s Not). Retrieved from
[2] Hayes, A. (2017). What is fast fashion? Retrieved from